I bet you think this song is about you

Ah vanity, sweet vanity, how I love you so.

Stand by 3 chords and the truth lovers for an hour of Songs of the Rich and Famous. Respectful, scurillous and everything in between.

AAH! The sky is falling in ..... no, it's Three Chords and the Truth!

Andy and Alex are back on air Sundays 1pm, with the best back-to-basics, local and international music-making, singing n songwriting going round. First hour is themed and this week you are in for a big surprise. The end of the world is nigh: Sneak previews this summer start Sunday 13th December!

How would you describe the show?

Imagine a wholegrain herbal tofu steak rolled in crushed nuts in a fairy bread sandwich with a side of refried beans and a dollop of grits. That’s Three Chords and the Truth. And it’s back, Sunday December 13, 1pm.