Live and kicking

It's one thing to enjoy music, it's quite something else to experience a live music performance.
This week Alex and Taryn have got 2 hours of artists touring or appearing in this new and fresh year at a venue near you.
So you've no excuse to stop on the sofa. Get out amongst it and choose your poison, this week, on Three Chords and the Truth. JOY 94.9 Sunday 2-4pm

Strings attached

We are getting out our geeeeetars, and playin' it up. Time for three chords and then three more as we spend Sunday afternoon enjoying some amazing musicianship.

We will have up and coming young Australian guitarist Joe Robinson on the show, and he'll play live in the studio.

Katie is in the driving seat, and Alex is holding the map. So who knows where we'll get to!

But we'll set out from JOY 94.9 - - 2pm Sunday. Grab a plectrum, come along.


It's Movember, so we are playing an hour of mosicians.

Twirl your mo round your little finger, store your lunch in it for later, or plait it nice. Whatever you like doing with your mo, do it while sampling HoMosexual sounds from MoBros like Little Richard n Freddy Mercury.

It will be superficial, it will be suprafacial. And if it's anything like our other shows, it will be super farcical.

Join Andy and Alex 2-4pm Sunday Joy 94.9

PS Momentous Mo-bro guest Jordie Lane will be joining us live in the studio.

Hot and happening

The joint was destroyed by Katie last week, but we picked up the pieces and carried right on.

This week we are HOT and happening, with Taryn and Alex choosing the best of what's new and groovy in the first hour, followed by some classic tracks from 3pm.

We'll also be joined by Michael Crowe aka Wilderbeast to hear a first-to-radio performance of his marriage discrimination commentary: 55,000 Knobheads!

2pm JOY 94.9 this Sunday.


This Sunday on Three Chords and the Truth, Katie will be DESTROYING THE JOINT with two hours of blues, roots, folk and gospel music by strong and gutsy women artists. Join her! Sunday 4 November from 2 to 4pm, only on JOY 94.9.

Blue collar or White collar?

Tradies or Fruits in Suits?
This week Andy and Alex will be delving in to career choices, and getting hot under the collar with an hour of carpenters, doctors, plumbers and bankers.
Yes please! Sunday 2pm Joy 94.9

So last century

Malice & Andy are spending the first hour spinning disks from the 20th Century. Then when the hour turns, they'll turn & throw C21 into the mix as well. 3 Chords & the Truth - Sundays 2pm-4pm.

Killer Queens

This week Chris & Andy are playing Murder songs. As Johnny Cash says on the liner notes of his "Murder" album - "These songs are for listening and singing along to - don't go out and do it." Where else can you find such an out-there theme? Sunday 2pm-4pm Three Chords & the Truth on JOY 94.9.

Enough "google", focus on "goggles"

This week Adam and Andy present "Music by people with glasses". Edgy stuff - 3 Chords & the Truth - always pushing boundaries - Sunday 2pm-4pm.

Nothing but flowers

Spring 'as sprung - the grass 'as riz. I wonder where the flowers iz. Katie and Andy will be playing songs to the theme of Flowers. 3 Chords & the Truth - Sundays 2pm-4pm.

3 Chords goes Traditional

Sometimes we play sad, rad, mad, occasionally bad - hopefully not jihad. This week we go trad. 3 Chords & the Truth plays Traditional music. Hosted by those trad lads Andy & Alex. Sunday 2pm-4pm.

Old New Borrowed Blue

Gay marriage - I DO or I CAN'T? Taryn & Andy are turning marriage blues into fab music with a theme of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. ENJOY. 2pm-4pm Sunday.

Sherry Rich

We don't often have celebrity co-hosts on 3 Chords these days, but Sherry Rich has a pretty amazing journey. From forming her first band at school with Keith Urban, to 9 years in Nashville, to making music for kids. Hear her story, a bit of general chat and the music she loves. See you Sunday at 2pm.

Faster Higher Stronger Banjo-ier

Sandwiched between 2 Olympics festivals (the warm-up and the main event - as the Paralympics advertising in London is referring to them) 3 Chords & the Truth will be doing Olympic-sport related songs - anything about Running, Walking, Jumping, Failing drugs tests, Swimming, Getting sent home early, Horse riding, Slowing down just before the finish line, Rhythmic gymnastics, Outfits that make you look naked. You won't find a selection of songs like this anywhere else. 2pm on Sunday.

Olympic Glory !!!!!!!!

This week "3 Chords & the Truth" celebrates the glory of the Olympics with the glory of GOSPEL music !!!!!! If your partner is driving you crazy watching the Olympics on the TV, plus the PC, plus the iPad... Just make him turn all the volumes down and blast out some Glorifying Gospel from Joy at 2pm this Sunday. It's GOLD GOLD GOLD.

The great forgotten genre of music

YES - the show you've all been waiting for - AT LAST - this Sunday - Q-BOY & ANDY play MUSIC BY REDHEADS!!!! Sunday 2pm till 4pm.

Two positives make a negative...

If you wont hear of it, nothing's ever good enough, or you just don't wanna know - this is the place for you.
Because we just cant give a stuff about being positive any more. Hell in a hand basket, here we come: for one hour, our show celebrates those Negative times. Perfect for the spoilt princesses in all of us.
Join Andy Mack and Alex on Joy 94.9 at the new time 2-4pm this Sunday.

Black is so Melbourne

...and the new black.
We are celebrating the only colour not in the rainbow on Australia's rainbow station.
It will be an hour of Australia's amazing black artists, drippy girls from Fitzroy who wear nothing but black, Mary Black and tracks from Back in Black.
For once, the blacklist is the only place to be - this Sunday, Joy 94.9 at the new time of 2pm!

New Australians

No, we haven't stalked a citizenship ceremony.
This week we're playing up and coming Australian artists you may not have heard of but who we reckon have got it. Whether this matters in the industry that is music is a different question. But talent, there is no shortage of that. So let's hear some new voices and new tracks, and take the chance to give them the thumbs up or the thumbs down.
This Sunday 1-3pm Joy 94.9 with Andy and Alex

Battle of the sexes

Sunday 17 June. Taryn will flicking gents out across the airwaves - battle-scarred veterans, rasta rappers, smooth crooners. Andy will be hurling out the ladies - seductive songtresses, fem folkies, bible belters. Boys v Girls on 3 Chords & the Truth - on Australia's fabulous radio station, JOY.

Travelling in style

Planes, trains, trams, ponies, bikes and automobiles, whatever your preference, I bet you'd love a ride like the Joy jeep. You can upgrade your ride this year, and travel in macho heaven, if you win in the Joy member draw. 
With just over 2000 current members , Joy's offer of a Jeep to a member in this year's Radiothon is the best odds of winning a car I can ever remember!
So support Three Chords and the Truth, support Joy, and sign up this Sunday for your chance of grabbing those keys!
Tell us what you currently get around on and we'll even throw in a song just for you!
It's all happening Sunday coming, 1-3. Please call in during this time, on 1300 JOY 949.

Bring out your inner leprechaun.

We're going a little bit Irish, Sunday coming. Irish songwriters bring their wisdom and poetry to you, whether you've had a chance to kiss the Blarney stone yourself, or not.
Celebrating the land of song, will be Alex and Breed, President of Joy!
Join us 1pm on Joy 94.9

Want a whole bucket of funk?

It's Prince week, baby, so get your funk on.
So you can imagine getting into bed with the moustachioed, symbolic one, we are playing Prince covers - Prince playing the work of other songwriters, and some of the many, many covers of Prince songs.
Join us, and the world's sexiest vegetarian, 1pm Sunday for Three Chords and the Truth.

A prodigal son returns

He may be an old JOY hack, but he sure is fabulous too. Adam Q will be joining Andy Mack this Sunday. Expect 3 Chords & the Truth.

Is tatt right?

What do Stephen Gately and Marc Almond have in common with Tom Waits and Keith Urban? Believe it or not, it's tatts! And don't get me started on the lesbians!
Check out Three Chords and the Tatts, where we expose singers tatts, this Sunday 1pm on Joy 94.9
For the record, one has a map of Easter Island and another a Tasmanian Devil, but if you want to find out who has what, you'll have to tune in.

Beauty & talent in one package!

Taswegian singer-songwriter Monique Brumby returns to 3 Chords - she co-hosted an episode with Andy about 6 years ago. 3 Chords & the Truth - Sundays 1pm - 3pm.

Market economy musicians

Artist or industrialist? What becomes of music competition winners and, with the imminent arrival of 'The Voice', should we be using our voices to welcome this American show or tell it to sing sweet Dixie all the way home?

In the red corner: Katie, Adam Lambert's biggest fan.
In the blue corner: Alex, would rather set his hair on fire than pay Kyle Sandilands wages.

Should be an interesting show. 1pm Sunday Joy 94.9

2012, and the end is nigh

Yes, it's the end of the world. Between Nostradamus, the Mayans and the Disclosure Project, we're up shit creek without a paddle. And the signs of the Apocalypse keep coming. Earthquakes, Storms, Plagues and now the return of Alex to Three Chords and the Truth.

So fiddle while Rome burns, listening to Three Chords Sunday 1pm. We'll kick of with an hour of the end, and if we're still around (the Mayans reckon we are safe till 21 Dec.), we'll have an hour of simply the best gutsy, poetic music you'll find anywhere.


Sometimes we play plenty of old stuff. This week Andy & Taryn play only new songs in the first hour. Then who knows for the second hour? Sundays 1pm-3pm.
Then next week it's The Return of Alexander with the theme Apocalypse wow.

Music by curvy people

Two of the big television shows on TV at the moment are about larger people trying to lose weight. How many overweight newsreaders, weather people, TV hosts, romantic leads in TV shows, are there? Not a great deal. Why didn't Adele get a contract with a major record company? Would she have got a contract at all in America? Jenny & Andy want to celebrate musically-talented curvy ladies & gents. Living large is not a crime.

From Mr A to Lady Z

This week 3 Chords is going alphabetical - all the way from Mr A to Lady Z - hosted by Mr A (Andy) and Lady Z (Zoe). Hopefully we'll get through all 26 songs/letters in the 2 hours.

Aussie Aussie Aussie!

It's an All-Australian hour on Three Chords and the Truth this Sunday. Yes, we'll be donning our speedos and cracking a tinnie in the studio, as we play some awesome Aussie artists for you.

Oi Oi Oi.

Join us 1pm Sunday 29 Joy 94.9


This week's hosts are: Andy (the old hack - you know him) and Katie (themer-twitterer-Lambertarian - do we need to say more?). And the theme for music in the first hour is a surprise (that's right - we haven't decided yet). However it goes without saying that we will have fantastic laid back rootsy music and fun stories (hear about the disturbing large block party on this week at Andy's apartment).

Battle of the sexes

Yes, it's that old chestnut - boys v girls. Taryn will be spinning the man songs and Andy languishing with the ladies. The first catfight for the new year.