Aussie Aussie Aussie!

It's an All-Australian hour on Three Chords and the Truth this Sunday. Yes, we'll be donning our speedos and cracking a tinnie in the studio, as we play some awesome Aussie artists for you.

Oi Oi Oi.

Join us 1pm Sunday 29 Joy 94.9


This week's hosts are: Andy (the old hack - you know him) and Katie (themer-twitterer-Lambertarian - do we need to say more?). And the theme for music in the first hour is a surprise (that's right - we haven't decided yet). However it goes without saying that we will have fantastic laid back rootsy music and fun stories (hear about the disturbing large block party on this week at Andy's apartment).

Battle of the sexes

Yes, it's that old chestnut - boys v girls. Taryn will be spinning the man songs and Andy languishing with the ladies. The first catfight for the new year.