2012, and the end is nigh

Yes, it's the end of the world. Between Nostradamus, the Mayans and the Disclosure Project, we're up shit creek without a paddle. And the signs of the Apocalypse keep coming. Earthquakes, Storms, Plagues and now the return of Alex to Three Chords and the Truth.

So fiddle while Rome burns, listening to Three Chords Sunday 1pm. We'll kick of with an hour of the end, and if we're still around (the Mayans reckon we are safe till 21 Dec.), we'll have an hour of simply the best gutsy, poetic music you'll find anywhere.


Sometimes we play plenty of old stuff. This week Andy & Taryn play only new songs in the first hour. Then who knows for the second hour? Sundays 1pm-3pm.
Then next week it's The Return of Alexander with the theme Apocalypse wow.